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Active Movements

Isolating the active movements for deeper knowledge of the movement.​


Moving of the Ying and Yang

Learn the active movement Moving of the Ying and Yang. This active movement is connected to the Wood Element and the emotion of happy.


Breathing of the Universe

Learn the active movement Breathing of the Universe. This active movement is connected to the Fire Element and the emotion of joy.​


Connecting to the Heaven and the Earth

Learn the active movement Connecting to the Heaven and the Earth. This active movement is connected to the Earth Element and the emotion of peace.


Connecting to the Body's Energy

Learn the active movement Connecting to the Body's Energy. This active movement is connected to the Metal Element and the emotion of contentment.


Connecting to Your Heart's Energy

Learn the active movement called Connecting to Your Heart's Energy. This movement is connected to the Water Element and the emotion of gratitude.


Cloud Hands Movement

​8:40 minutes











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